Gamified learning curve

We believe gamified learning is the most effective way to obtain new skills and knowledge. That is why we put much effort into interactive tutorials, onboarding scenarios, and rewards programs.

However, none of these subsystems are mandatory. You can safely use all 12link sections and services without participating in gamified activities.

We provide a series of onboarding lessons for each application section:

  1. With an interactive 3D tutorial, you will get acquainted with virtual memory palaces. During the first 20-minute session, you will master the memorization of passwords or seed phrases;

  2. With the help of a guided master, you will learn how to unlock the application, create digital inheritance events, and manage them;

  3. The learning center introduction will help you get familiar with the general topics covered by this section and choose the level of difficulty of the articles that suits you best;

  4. A quick animated overview of the settings sections will guide you through the key subsections, like authentication, data storage, and privacy settings.

The gamified journey continues after onboarding lessons. 12link can continue your training in exciting and easy ways:

  1. Exercise your memory according to the schedule and the method of the Memory Grandmaster Jonas von Essen;

  2. Regularly review, refresh, and revitalize your digital inheritance events to earn memory points;

  3. Subscribe to the Learning Center updates channel, take part in small quizzes, or leave feedback to gain additional bonuses;

  4. Participate in the memory time attack competitions for real prizes.

You can accumulate gaming memory points and exchange them for real perks inside the 12link bonus program.

Last updated